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Consistently, Virginia Beach has failed to perform in election after election.

I believe our most challenging problems stem from the lack of decisive leadership that can articulate a clear path forward, or motivate our base of supporters to join in.

If we don't address this problem now, we will lose so much more than the next election.

Cast Your

Republican Party of Virginia Beach Party Canvass

Saturday, March 23rd, 2024 | 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM

Virginia Beach Central Library

4100 Virginia Beach Blvd

Open to all registered voters residing in Virginia Beach

Where Laura Stands

Bringing Everyone to the Table

  • Candidates should run to represent the collective will and best interests of their members or constituents, not to "lead" them.

  • The Republican Party of Virginia Beach has become an echo chamber of bad ideas and ineffective leadership. We must foster a party environment where transparency is the order of the day and all voices deserve to be heard.

  • The Republican Party of Virginia Beach should and indeed, must take positions on local issues before our School Board and City Council. Many voters have never even heard of our party because they don't see us standing up for anything like lower taxes or better schools.

  • As members of a partisan, political party, we should encourage all like-minded voters to hold our elected leaders to account and assure that our voices and concerns are heard.

  • The Republican Party of Virginia Beach should work as equal partners with other local organizations on matters of importance to Virginia Beach residents.

  • As an Attorney, Laura Hughes has mediated solutions to very contentious issues and can engage people with very different viewpoints to find common ground.

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